Friday, February 27, 2009

Some people say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going....

what the hell is that supposed to mean to me. I think now that i'm just really selfesh and probably don't deserve what i do have. Changing is never easy and sometimes never happens at all. I know the people who fake they are, and make everything worse when they try. Things of this nature make me think.... willi end up like them?? I want it to all just be over with and i am more than ready to be out. But for now i just have to deal.

now if only i knew how.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do you?

Last night, in realizing i have the answers to nothing, I want to be able to know. Is there anything out there that can show me what I'm about to do is right? Does anyone know what lies ahead, truley. Does anyone have the god-honest answer of tomorrow? So as I ask these to myself, I must ask this one question...... Do you?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

well I don't know

This is what I do after school, sit in the library and post and read, when i don't have to work. so I've been thinking..... should the plan of running continue, or should i put up with all of this because, after all, I did create this for myself. Let me know what you think or if you don't care, then you wouldn't be the first so i won't lecture you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1st one

so so far im just waiting to get out, this town is depressing, but so is everything else. latley i've been thinking about just getting out myself, but somehow i keep thinking maybe i'll get through all of this, and then i just think about running more. there are so many reminders of how hopless my life is and that there really is no point anymore. it seems like a lifetime. and the worst of it is, it's like a door, theres a button you can press to get out, but your feet are glued to the floor so close that you are an inch from your finger reaching the button, but it's just impossible. you've probably heard this all before, and it doesn't really matter that much but i think getting it out to the internet is better than telling to those who really don't give a damn. oh wait, why would anyone on the internet, you don't know me, why should you. oh well here it goes......